Physicochemical Properties of Gluten Free Composite Flour


  • Nurmiati Nurmiati Politeknik Negeri Fakfak
  • Petrus Oktavianus Hutajulu Politeknik Negeri Fakfak, Indonesia
  • Andi Fitra Suloi Politeknik Negeri Fakfak, Indonesia



Gluten Free, Composite Flour, Formulation


Gluten-containing flour has been linked to celiac disease. Gluten-free flour can be used in a gluten-free diet. Making gluten-free composite flour can be done using local ingredients such as sago starch, yellow sweet potato and green beans. Soaked and germinated green beans are used to lower anti-nutritional compounds, boost digestibility and protein content, and improve the functional qualities of the composite flour. Finding out the functional and chemical characteristics of composite flour formulations was the goal of this study. A quantitative research approach is being applied. The study was conducted by first creating flour from locally grown food, then formulating a composite flour, and then examining the functional, chemical, and physical characteristics of the final composite flour. According to the research findings, the composite flour's lightness ranged from 88.18 to 87.19, its redness value from 1.90 to 2.74, and its yellowish-colored b value from 12.23 to 14.56. Compared to the raw material's hygroscopicity, the composite flour formulation's hygroscopicity value decreased. The composite flour developed had a compaction density value of 0.96 gr/ml. There were observed alterations in the chemical parameters of green bean sprout flour, specifically a decrease in fat content and an increase in fiber content. However, when mung bean sprout flour was added to the composite flour formulation, the amount of fiber decreased. Increased water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity, and solubility were also detected in composite flour with mung bean sprout flour. The composite flour formulation was shown to have increased swelling power and water absorption capability.


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How to Cite

Nurmiati, N., Hutajulu, P. O., & Suloi, A. F. (2024). Physicochemical Properties of Gluten Free Composite Flour. Pro Food, 10(1), 40–49.