Compounds and Antioxidan Components of Various Post-Rushing Loloh With Various Utensil Ingredients, Product Loloh Of Ukm Pejeng Kelod Village, Tampak Siring Gianyar, Bali
https://doi.org/10.29303/profood.v6i2.138Kata Kunci:
antioksidant, loloh turmeric, pejeng kelod, pottery, utensil, antioksidan, gerabah, loloh kunyitAbstrak
The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant test of various utensils from pottery, aluminum and stainless steel against the antioxidants of loloh drinks produced by the village of Pejeng Kelod Tampak Siring, Gianyar, Bali. Loloh using water that is boiled first, then poured on the main ingredients and then packed. The tools used to cook loloh are inconsistent, while the public's ano if cooking loloh using pottery seems better. The research used the GC MS method, IC50 and antioxidant capacity after heating the loloh with various utensils. The results showed that there were 15 compound components, and there were significant differences in the use of pottery, aluminum and stainless steel cooking tools. Further tests of the Smallest Significant Difference (LSD) show that cooking turmeric loloh and using pottery shows the highest antioxidant capacity (623.91 μg GAEAC / g material), compared to the antioxidant capacity of aluminum (353.2 μg GAEAC / g material) , stainless steel (559.1 μg GAEAC / g material), and untreated (control) (631.1 μg GAEAC / g material). Inversely proportional to IC50 turmeric loloh control (2208.7 ppm), earthenware (3426.09 ppm), stainless steel (4792.46 ppm), aluminum (6122.40 ppm). The paiduh antioxidants were significantly different from heating with aluminum (7122.40 ppm), stainless steel (4426.09 ppm), and pottery (3208.7 ppm). The higher the antioxidant capacity of loloh paiduh, namely aluminum (423.2 GAEAC / g material), stainless steel (649.1 GAEAC / g material), pottery (723.91 GAEAC / g material)
Keywords: antioksidant, loloh turmeric, pejeng kelod, pottery, utensil
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui antioksidan uji berbagai utensil dari bahan gerabah, aluminium dan stainless steel terhadap antioksidan minuman loloh produksi desa Pejeng Kelod Tampak Siring Gianyar Bali. Loloh menggunakan air yang dimasak terlebih dahulu, kemudian dituangkan pada bahan utama dan selanjutnya dikemas. Alat yang dipergunakan memasak loloh tidak konsisten sedangkan anemo masyarakat jika memasak loloh dengan menggunakan gerabah terkesan lebih baik. Penelitian menggunakan metode GC MS, IC50 dan kapasitas antioksidan setelah pemanasan loloh dengan berbagai utensil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 15 komponen senyawa, da nada perbedaan yang signifikan dari penggunaan alat memasak gerabah, aluminium dan stainless steel. Uji lanjut Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) diketahui bahwa memasak loloh kunyit dan paiduh dengan menggunakan gerabah, menujukan angka kapasitas antioksidan tertinggi (623,91 μg GAEAC/g bahan), dibandingkan dengan kapasitas antioksidan aluminium (353,2 μg GAEAC/g bahan), stainless steel (559,1 μg GAEAC/g bahan ), dan tanpa perlakuan (kontrol) (631,1 μg GAEAC/g bahan). Berbanding terbalik dengan IC50 loloh kunyit kontrol (2208,7 ppm), gerabah (3426,09 ppm), stainless steel (4792,46 ppm), aluminium (6122,40 ppm). Antioksidan loloh paiduh berbeda nyata secara signifikan terhadap pemanasan dengan aluminium (7122,40 ppm), stainless steel (4426,09 ppm), gerabah (3208,7 ppm). Kapasitas antioksidan loloh paiduh semakin tinggi yaitu aluminium (423,2 GAEAC/g bahan), Stainless steel (649,1 GAEAC/g bahan), Gerabah (723,91 GAEAC/g bahan)
Kata kunci: antioksidan, gerabah, loloh kunyit, pejeng kelod, utensil
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