Sensory Profile Characterization of Sumbawa Signature Milk Candy with Check-All-That Apply and Ideal Profile Methods


  • Aziza Salsabilah Bumigora University
  • Keisha Zahrani Widiyanti Bumigora University
  • Iqbal Sakti Mustafa Bumigora University
  • Lalu Danu Prima Arzani Universitas Bumigora



Check-All-That-Apply, Ideal Profile Method, Milk Candy, Sensory


Sumbawa milk candy is a sweet treat from Sumbawa Island, known as one of the island's signature products. Sumbawa milk candy is made from granulated sugar and cow or buffalo milk, giving it distinctive sensory characteristics depending on the ingredients used. This study aims to analyze the sensory profile of Sumbawa milk candy and identify the ideal sensory profile for this product. This study used Check-All-That-Apply and Ideal Profile Method, applied to four different Sumbawa milk candy products. Based on the testing results, the ideal sensory profile for Sumbawa milk candy includes the sweet taste of palm sugar, caramel flavor, milky taste, and soft texture. Panelists' preference levels are significantly influenced by the soft texture, while rancid aroma and flavor, as well as hard texture, reduce panelists' preference for the milk candy product. Additionally, three attributes deemed essential for milk candy are milky taste, cow milk aroma, and soft texture, whereas rancid aroma and flavor are undesirable attributes for the milk candy product.


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How to Cite

Salsabilah, A., Widiyanti, K. Z. ., Mustafa, I. S. ., & Arzani, L. D. P. (2024). Sensory Profile Characterization of Sumbawa Signature Milk Candy with Check-All-That Apply and Ideal Profile Methods. Pro Food, 10(2), 116–124.