Estimating The Shelf Life of Pakuan Village Robusta Ground Coffee Using The Arrhenius Model


  • Rini Nofrida University of Mataram
  • Zainuri Zainuri University of Mataram
  • Qabul Dinanta Utama University of Mataram
  • Dilla Afriansyah University of Mataram
  • Novia Rahayu University of Mataram
  • Ines Marisya Dwi Anggraini University of Mataram
  • Made Gendis Putri Pertiwi University of Mataram



arrhenius, ground coffee, robusta, shelf life


West Nusa Tenggara is one of the coffee-producing regions in Indonesia, primarily known for robusta coffee. One of the main coffee production areas in NTB is Kumbi Hamlet, located in Pakuan Village, Narmada District, West Lombok Regency. The coffee powder produced in Pakuan Village is packaged in PolyPropylene (PP) plastic, though its shelf life remains unknown. This study aimed to estimate the shelf life of robusta coffee from Pakuan Village and determine the optimal storage temperature to prolong its shelf life. Shelf-life determination was conducted using the Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT) method with the Arrhenius model. The coffee was stored at 20°C, 30°C, and 40°C in PP plastic packaging for 5 weeks, with moisture content tests conducted weekly. The weekly moisture data were then analyzed using the Arrhenius method. This study recommends storing coffee powder at 20°C in PP plastic packaging for longer storage. Based on the estimation, the shelf life of coffee powder stored at 20°C in PP plastic packaging is 89,88 weeks or 1 year 8 months.


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How to Cite

Nofrida, R., Zainuri, Z., Utama, Q. D., Afriansyah, D., Rahayu, N., Anggraini, I. M. D., & Pertiwi, M. G. P. (2024). Estimating The Shelf Life of Pakuan Village Robusta Ground Coffee Using The Arrhenius Model. Pro Food, 10(2), 188–195.

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