The Characteristics of Quality of Microencapsulate Red Fruit Oil (Pandanus conoideus) With a Comparison of the Composition of the Emulsifying Material and the Coating Material


  • Zita Letviany Sarungallo Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian. Universitas Papua (UNIPA)
  • Budi Santoso Universitas Papua
  • Murtiningrum Murtiningrum Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian. Universitas Papua (UNIPA)
  • Mathelda K. Roreng Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian. Universitas Papua (UNIPA)
  • Venny Murni Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian. Universitas Papua (UNIPA)



Kata Kunci:

microencapsulation, emulsion, red fruit, pandanus conoideus, carotenoid, mikrokapsul, minyak buah merah, stabilitas minyak



            Red fruit oil is very sensitive to oxygen. One effort that can be done to improve its stability is using microencapsulation technology. This study aims to produce a stable formula of red fruit oil microencapsulated with the best quality characteristics. Formulation of emulsion of red fruit oil to be encapsulated using 11% degumed red fruit oil, mixture of emulsifier and stabilizer (maltodextrin, gum arab, gelatin, tween 80 and Carboxymethyl Celluloce (CMC)) 22%, and water 67%. The emulsion materials are homogenized and dried using a spray dryer. The parameters observed include the color, viscosity and stability of the emulsion, as well as the physicochemical character and the active components of red fruit microcapsules inamely rendemen, color, moisture content, solubility, total carotenoids and carotenoid retention. The results of this study indicate that the concentration of the coating material and the stabilizer affect the quality of the resulting red fruit oil microencapsules. The formula of stable red fruit oil microenkapulates (F4 and F5) consisting of degummed red fruit oil (11%), maltodextrin (18%), gum arab (1.8-2.6%), gelatin (0.9-1.3%) ), CMC (0.4%) and tween 80 (0.4-0.9%). Comparison of oil fraction, fraction of dry matter and water fraction which can form microencapsulated red fruit oil comprises 11% degummed red fruit oil, 22% emulsifier, coating and stabilizer; and water 67%. Characteristics of red fruit oil microenkapsulat (F4 and F5) are old orange color, 29-30% rendement, 24-25% fat content, total carotenoid 108-111 ppm, carotenoid retention 47-48%, and 73-80% solubility.

Keywords: microencapsulation, emulsion, red fruit (Pandanus conoideus) oil, carotenoid.



Minyak buah merah bersifat sangat sensitif terhadap oksigen, salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan stabilitasnya yaitu melalui teknologi mikroenkapsulasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari karakteristik mutu mikroenkapsulat minyak buah merah dengan perbandingan konsentrasi bahan pengemulsi (tween 80 dan CMC) dan bahan pelapis (maltodekstrin, gum arab dan gelatin). Formulasi emulsi minyak buah merah yang akan dienkapsulasi menggunakan minyak buah merah hasil degumming 11%, campuran bahan pengemulsi dan penstabil (maltodekstrin, gum arab, gelatin, tween 80 dan CMC) 22% dan air 67%. Bahan-bahan emulsi dihomogenisasi dan dikeringkan menggunakan spray dryer. Parameter yang diamati meliputi warna, kekentalan dan stabilitas emulsi, serta sifat fisikokimia (rendemen, warna, kelarutan, kadar air dan kadar lemak) dan komponen aktif (total karotenoid dan retensi karotenoid) mikrokapsul buah merah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi bahan pengemulsi dan pelapis mempengaruhi kualitas mikroenkapsulat minyak buah merah yang dihasilkan. Formula F4 dan F5 adalah mikroenkapsulat minyak buah merah yang paling stabil dengan komposisi minyak buah merah hasil degumming (11%), maltodekstrin (18%), gum arab (1,8-2,6%), gelatin (0,9-1,3), CMC 0,4% dan tween 80 0,4-0,9%. Karakteristik mikroenkapsulat minyak buah merah (F4 dan F5) yaitu warna oranye tua, rendemen 29-30%, kadar lemak 24-25%, total karotenoid 108-111 ppm, retensi karotenoid 47-48%, dan kelarutan 73-80%.

Kata Kunci: mikrokapsul, minyak buah merah (Pandanus conoideus), stabilitas minyak.


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Cara Mengutip

Sarungallo, Z. L., Santoso, B., Murtiningrum, M., K. Roreng, M., & Murni, V. (2019). KARAKTERISTIK MUTU MIKROENKAPSULAT MINYAK BUAH MERAH (Pandanus conoideus) DENGAN PERBANDINGAN KONSENTRAS: The Characteristics of Quality of Microencapsulate Red Fruit Oil (Pandanus conoideus) With a Comparison of the Composition of the Emulsifying Material and the Coating Material. Pro Food, 5(2), 528–540. https://doi.org/10.29303/profood.v5i2.119

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