The Drying and Brewing Ratio Effect on Physical and Chemical Properties Arabica Coffee Cascara Tea (Coffea arabica L.)
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cascara, rasio penyeduhan, sifat fisik, sifat kimia, coffea arabika L, drying, brewing cratio, physical properties, chemical propertiesAbstrak
In 2018, the Arabica coffee commodity in Bangli, Bali reached 2,252 tons. The high yield of coffee plantations has an impact on the high yield of post-harvest coffee fruit skin waste. The waste of coffee husk reaches an average of 16.37% or each of coffee processing will produce 45% coffee skins, 10% lenders, 5% bran and 40% coffee beans. The coffee husk waste processed into cascara. This study aimed to determine the effect of the drying method and brewing ratio on the physical and chemical characteristic of the cascara arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.). This study applied a factorial randomized block design (RBD); with 2 treatment factors. The first factor is the drying method (sunlight; oven). The second factor is the brewing ratio of dry tea. The brewing ratio are water (1: 200; 3: 200; 5: 200) with 4 repetition. Physical characteristic includes the degree of acidity (pH), total acid and color. Chemical characteristic includes caffeine, tannins, total phenols and antioxidant capacity. The results of the analysis showed that sun drying concurrently with an increase in the brewing ratio resulted the highest total acid was 0.64%; the lowest degree of acidity (pH) was 5.69; low brightness (L *) values between 0.43-0.76%; redness value (a *) is high (39.49-49.12%); yellowish value (b *) is low between (-21.16- -27.74%); highest caffeine 54.42ppm; the highest total phenol 8.23 mg GAE / 100ml; highest tannins 3.18TAE / 100ml; and the highest antioxidant capacity 697.33mg / L GAEAC.
Keywords: cascara, coffea arabika L, drying, brewing cratio, physical properties, chemical properties
Komoditas kopi Arabika di Kabupaten Bangli provinsi Bali pada Tahun 2018 mencapai sebesar 2.252 Ton. Tingginya hasil perkebunan kopi ini berdampak dengan tingginya hasil limbah kulit buah kopi pasca panen yang dihasilkan. Limbah kulit kopi yang dihasilkan rata-rata mencapai 16,37% atau setiap pengolahan buah kopi akan dihasilkan 45% kulit kopi, 10% lender, 5% kulit ari dan 40% biji kopi. Pemanfaatan limbah kulit kopi dilakukan dengan pengolahan menjadi cascara. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode pengeringan dan rasio penyeduhan terhadap sifat fisik dan kimia the cascara kopi arabika (Coffea arabika L.). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah cara pengeringan (sinar matahari; oven) dan faktor kedua adalah rasio penyeduhan teh kering: air (1:200; 3:200; 5:200) dengan 4 kali ulangan. Sifat fisik meliputi derajat keasaman (pH), total asam, warna. Sifat kimia meliputi kandungan kafein, tanin, total fenol, kapasitas antioksidan. Hasil analisa menunjukkan pengeringan sinar matahari dan diiringi dengan peningkatan rasio penyeduhan menghasilkan total asam tertinggi 0,64%; derajat keasaman (pH) terendah 5,69; nilai kecerahan (L*) rendah antara 0,43-0,76%; nilai kemerahan (a*) tinggi antara (39,49-49,12%); nilai Kekuningan (b*) rendah antara (-21,16- -27,74%); kafein tertinggi 54,42ppm; total fenol tertinggi 8,23mg GAE/100ml; tanin tertinggi 3,18TAE/100ml; dan kapasitas antioksidan tertinggi 697,33mg/L GAEAC.
Kata kunci: cascara, kopi arabika, pengeringan, rasio penyeduhan, sifat fisik, sifat kimia
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