The Effect of Ratio Winged Bean Seed Flour, Moringa Leaf Flour and Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) on Physicochemical and Organoleptic of Vegetable Nugget


  • Ahmad Alamsyah Universitas Mataram
  • Lia Apriliyanti Fakultas Teknologi Pangan dan Agroindustri, Universitas Mataram
  • Riezka Zuhriatika Rasyda Fakultas Teknologi Pangan dan Agroindustri, Universitas Mataram
  • Satrijo Saloko Fakultas Teknologi Pangan dan Agroindustri, Universitas Mataram



mocaf, moringa leaf, nugget, winged bean seed


Plant-based nuggets can be an alternative for consumers who want to reduce meat consumption or for vegetarians. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the ratio of winged bean seed flour, moringa leaf flour, and mocaf (modified cassava flour) on the physicochemical and organoleptic properties of vegetable nuggets. This study used an experimental method with a one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD), namely the ratio of winged bean seed flour, moringa leaf flour, and mocaf (0%:0%:50%, 4%:1%:45%, 8%:2%:40%, 12%:3%:35%, 16%:4%:30%, and 20%:5%:25%). Parameters observed included moisture content, protein content, antioxidant activity, texture, color and organoleptic (taste and aroma). Observation data were tested with ANOVA at 5% significance level using Co-Stat software. Treatments that were significantly different were further tested using the Honest Differential Test at the same level. The results showed that the ratio of winged bean seed flour, moringa leaf flour and mocaf gave a significantly different effect on moisture content, protein content, antioxidant activity, texture, color, and organoleptic taste, but gave no significantly different effect on the organoleptic aroma of vegetable nuggets.


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How to Cite

Alamsyah, A., Apriliyanti, L., Rasyda, R. Z., & Saloko, S. (2024). The Effect of Ratio Winged Bean Seed Flour, Moringa Leaf Flour and Mocaf (Modified Cassava Flour) on Physicochemical and Organoleptic of Vegetable Nugget. Pro Food, 10(1), 70–79.

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