Characteristics of Millet Flour Fermented with Bimo CF at Different Fermentation Periods


  • Siska Cicilia University of Mataram
  • Eko Basuki University of Mataram
  • Ahmad Alamsyah University of Mataram
  • I Wayan Sweca Yasa University of Mataram
  • Lalu Unsunnidhal University of Mataram
  • Nuzuliya Miftahul Jannah University of Mataram



Bimo CF, Fermentation Period, Millet Flour


Millet is a cereal with high nutritional content and has the potential to be a substitute for wheat. This research aimed to determine the characteristics of millet flour fermented by Bimo CF at different fermentation times.  This research was conducted using a completely randomized design with one factor (fermentation time). It consisted of P1 (0 hours), P2 (12 hours), P3 (24 hours), P4 (36 hours), and P5 (48 hours). The resulting product of each treatment's water content, ash content, crude protein content, lightness, and yield were analyzed as tested parameters. Observation data were analyzed using ANOVA and further tested using Honest Significant Difference Test at a significance level of 5%. The result showed that fermentation period treatment using Bimo CF starter had a significantly different effect on water, ash, crude protein content, lightness, and yield. The 12-hour fermentation treatment is the recommended treatment to produce fermented millet flour, with a water content of 2.78%, ash content of 2.41%, crude protein content of 7.41%, lightness of 73.11, and yield of 45.5%.


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How to Cite

Cicilia, S., Basuki, E., Alamsyah, A., Yasa, I. W. S., Unsunnidhal, L., & Jannah, N. M. (2024). Characteristics of Millet Flour Fermented with Bimo CF at Different Fermentation Periods. Pro Food, 10(2), 139–148.

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